Chief Accountant for Companies in Vietnam

You will be completely satisfied when using GTax’s Chief Accountant services. The most professional, quality and prestigious chief accountant service in Vietnam.

“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.”


Are you worried?​


Are you a new business that has not yet hired a chief accountant?


Does your business need a chief accountant with a lot of practical experience in the field of accounting and tax?


Does your business need a chief accountant to temporarily replace the current chief accountant?


Are you in need of a chief accountant who must have a Certificate of Certified Public Accountant (CPA) issued by the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam?

Cost savings?

Your business is a small business and you want to save the cost of salary, bonus, social insurance, etc. for the chief accountant?


Do you need a chief accountant to manage all activities of the accounting department, check and review financial statements, tax reports or guide accounting staff to do the work?

Looking for a reliable accounting firm?

Standards And Conditions Chief Accountant?

According to the provisions of Vietnam's accounting law, a company operating must organize an accounting apparatus and must have an accountant or chief accountant. If the company does not have an accountant or chief accountant, it must sign an accounting service contract with an accounting service company to hire an accountant and chief accountant.


Have at least an associate degree in accounting;


Have a certificate of training in chief accountant's techniques;


The holder of a bachelor's degree in accounting must have at least 02 years’ experience of accounting work; the holder of an associate degree in accounting must have at least 03 years’ experience of accounting work.

GTax Team

Professional Staff, well-trained with international qualification, and who are passionate in service industry such as Lawyers, Auditors, CPAs, Chief Accountants …

The Values When Using

GTax's Chief Accountant Services

Using Gtax's chief accountant services is the most optimal choice for enterprises business in Vietnam. Ensure your company will save cost, accounting activities ensure in accordance with Vietnam provisions of law.


The quality of accounting works when using the chief accountant services of GTax is always ensured the best and conformity with the provisions of the law on accounting, tax and invoice.


When using Gtax's chief accountant services, Gtax's Staff will advise and answer customers for issues related to the regulations on tax, accounting, invoices accurately and quickly.


Cost for using GTax's chief accountant services is always lower than the cost of hiring an accountant with the same qualification to perform accounting and tax works for you company.


The service charge for GTax's chief accountant services is valid expense when calculating corporate income tax.


GTax's chief accountant services will provide customers with the reports and accounting books accurately, timely and quickly, monthly, quarterly, annually or at any time when customer require.


Using Gtax's chief accountant services, you do not have to worry about the fluctuation of the accounting staff, accounting activities of your company has been done by a professional accounting service company.


Gtax's staff performing chief accountant services are always fully and timely updated with the provisions of law on accounting, tax and other relevant laws to advise customers accurately and timely.


Gtax's chief accountant services are followed a procedure strict and science, always be supervised and controlled in all cases to ensure that the quality of chief accountant services is the best and comformity with the regulation of law.

Full Responsibilities

Chief accountant has an important position not only in directing the accounting work but also in the field of business management, so the functions, task and powers of the chief accountant are clearly defined in the Accounting Law 2015

Control day-to-day operations of the accounting department

The chief accountant is responsible for managing the accounting department, editing and signing all financial documents

Sign documents for bank payments, salary payments, etc.

Sign year-end financial statements, audit financial statements

Work with tax & audit authorities, provide documents and answer all inquiries from tax/audit authorities

Consulting about current tax policies, ensuring timely finalization of CIT and PIT

Learn more about Chief Accountant

The chief accountant is the head of the accounting apparatus of the company, responsible for organizing and performing the accounting work. For small businesses, the accounting work is often simple and the workload is a bit less, hiring a chief accountant is something to consider. Instead, businesses should use chief accounting services to save costs.

As the head of the accounting department, a Chief Accountant is in charge of finance, directing and orienting the financial affairs of an enterprise. For large businesses, the Chief Accountant will supervise the work of financial specialists and work under the Chief Financial Officer.

  1. Manage all activities of the accounting department

Holding a management position, a Chief Accountant is responsible for making recommendations to leaders in increasing profits and cutting costs. When the economy shows signs of going down, the Chief Accountant must provide effective financial methods to help businesses overcome difficulties.

The chief accountant supervises all activities of the accounting department, ensuring that all subordinates constantly change to be well-suited to market needs and participate in the training program. They are also the guide for new employees on the working process and the accounting formula of the unit.

The Chief Accountant is also responsible for ensuring the progress and performance of work in the business, timely reporting, and giving suggestions to help leaders handle problems that arise effectively and promptly. For the accounting activities management, the chief accountant will apply new technologies and techniques to increase efficiency and reduce time and costs. In addition, they are also the ones who perform transactions with banks.

2. Analyze and forecast finance

Financial analysis and forecasting is a significant task of the Chief Accountant. Based on business performance, and domestic and foreign market economic situation, they must make a forecast consistent with the market trend and unit.

From there, businesses will know clearly which areas to focus on investing more in and what budget level should be maintained for reasonableness. Financial analysis and forecasting also helps enterprises promptly handle arising risks and overcome financial problems.

In addition to the main tasks related to accounting and tax, the Chief Accountant also performs some other duties at the request of the superiors. These duties will depend on the unit they are working for.

3. Make financial statements

A financial statement is a document summarizing the results of production and business activities in each period of an enterprise. Financial statements are prepared at a specified period such as the end of a month, the end of a quarter, or when required by management. This task can be performed by the chief accountant or by the accountant with the supervision of the Chief Accountant.

4. Supervisie settlements

The Chief Accountant must oversee the settlement of revenues and expenditures and inventory the business’s assets and cash flows. The management board can request the settlement anytime, so the Chief Accountant must always be ready to meet their needs.

Besides, they must present the results to the management board and related stakeholders if any. Monitoring the settlement process will help a Chief Accountant handily grasp the business situation to take timely actions to reduce costs and increase financial efficiency for businesses.

5. Ensure legitimacy in accounts

With this responsibility, the Chief Accountant must ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and legitimacy of documents, accountants, payment papers, financial statements, balance sheets, insurance and financial statements, insurance, and liabilities with banks, clients, and investors. The Chief Accountant takes the responsibility of the auditor for the unit’s important books and documents.

1. A chief accountant must meet the standards below:

a) Meet the standards specified in Clause 1 Article 51 of Accounting Law 2015;

b) Have at least an associate degree in accounting;

c) Have a certificate of training in chief accountant’s techniques;

d) The holder of a bachelor’s degree in accounting must have at least 02 years’ experience of accounting works; the holder of an associate degree in accounting must have at least 03 years’ experience of accounting works.

2. The Government shall specify standards and conditions for chief accountants that suit each type of accounting units.

(Article 54 – Accounting Law 2015)

1. A chief accountant has the responsibility to:

a) Comply with regulations of law on accounting and finance of accounting units;

b) Organize the operation of the accounting apparatus in accordance with this Law;

c) Make financial statements in accordance with accounting regimes and accounting standards.

2. The chief accountant has the right to perform accounting works independently.

3. Chief accountants of regulatory agencies, organizations and public service agencies using state budget, and enterprises whose over 50% charter capital is held by the State, apart from the rights specified in Clause 2 of this Article, also have the right to:

a) Offer opinions in writing about employment, reassignment, pay raise, commendation, and disciplinary actions for accountants, warehouse-keepers, and treasurers;

b) Request relevant departments of the accounting unit to provide adequate documents related to the chief accountant’s accounting works and financial supervision works in a timely manner;

c) Preserve his/her opinions in writing if they are at odds with that of the decision maker;

d) Submit written reports to the legal representative of the accounting unit on discovered violations against regulations of law on finance and accounting in the unit. If the decision has to be complied with, the report shall be sent to the person superior to the decision maker or a competent authority. In this case the chief accountant is not responsible for the implementation of such decision.

(Article 55 – Accounting Law 2015)

In addition to meeting the requirements for degrees, certifications, and professional knowledge, a Chief Accountant must also have the following skills:

Leadership skills: Chief Accountant is the head of the accounting department, responsible for all accounting activities in the business. Thus, leadership skills are indispensable. The Chief Accountant will directly manage the accountants and ensure that they strictly comply with the accounting regulations of the state and the business.

Analytical skills: The Chief Accountant is responsible for assisting seniors in making important decisions related to finance, accounting, and tax, directly affecting the interests of the business. To support effectively, the Chief Accountant needs to research economic transactions and arising events and assess the impact of accounting policies on enterprises. Mastering analytical skills will help Chief Accountants perform these tasks accurately, quickly, and efficiently.

Mathematical skills: Accounting is often known as a profession that works with numbers. Therefore, a chief accountant must have mathematical skills, especially algebra, to understand financial information and complex business figures. Good mathematical skills will help Chief Accountant save time in updating and analyzing data.

Organizational skills: Chief Accountants have to perform a large amount of work related to books, information, and data, so they need good organizational and time management skills to complete tasks optimally. The Chief Accountant must also use organizational skills to organize and arrange the work of the accountants in the department to ensure that each person has a unique role and contributes to the overall success.

Communication skills: The Chief Accountant must communicate with accountants to give specific instructions and directions and consult senior managers. Notably, in case it is necessary to convey professional information to people outside the accounting industry, excellent communication skills are the key to helping In addition to meeting the requirements for degrees, certifications, and professional knowledge, a Chief Accountant must also have the following skills:

Leadership skills: Chief Accountant is the head of the accounting department, responsible for all accounting activities in the business. Thus, leadership skills are indispensable. The Chief Accountant will directly manage the accountants and ensure that they strictly comply with the accounting regulations of the state and the business.

Analytical skills: The Chief Accountant is responsible for assisting seniors in making important decisions related to finance, accounting, and tax, directly affecting the interests of the business. To support effectively, the Chief Accountant needs to research economic transactions and arising events and assess the impact of accounting policies on enterprises. Mastering analytical skills will help Chief Accountants perform these tasks accurately, quickly, and efficiently.

Mathematical skills: Accounting is often known as a profession that works with numbers. Therefore, a chief accountant must have mathematical skills, especially algebra, to understand financial information and complex business figures. Good mathematical skills will help Chief Accountant save time in updating and analyzing data.

Organizational skills: Chief Accountants have to perform a large amount of work related to books, information, and data, so they need good organizational and time management skills to complete tasks optimally. The Chief Accountant must also use organizational skills to organize and arrange the work of the accountants in the department to ensure that each person has a unique role and contributes to the overall success.

Communication skills: The Chief Accountant must communicate with accountants to give specific instructions and directions and consult senior managers. Notably, in case it is necessary to convey professional information to people outside the accounting industry, excellent communication skills are the key to helping Chief Accountants convey accurate, and easy-to-understand information.

Besides the above skills, chief accountant recruiters also require many qualities. They include carefulness, meticulousness, and high discipline because minor mistakes can also cause great losses to the business, a spirit of learning, absorbing and striving for work, honesty, and always being objective.s convey accurate, and easy-to-understand information.

Besides the above skills, a chief accountant  also needs many qualities. They include carefulness, meticulousness, and high discipline because minor mistakes can also cause great losses to the business, a spirit of learning, absorbing and striving for work, honesty, and always being objective.

Using the Gtax’s chief accountant services is the most optimal choice for enterprises business in Vietnam today. Ensure your company will save cost, accounting activities ensure in accordance with Vietnam provisions of law.

1. The quality of accounting works when using the Gtax’s chief accountant services is always ensured the best and conformity with the provisions of the law on accounting, tax and invoice.

2. The Gtax’s chief accountant services will provide customers with the reports and accounting books accurately, timely and quickly, monthly, quarterly, annually or at any time when customer require.

3. When using the Gtax’s chief accountant services, we will advise and answer customers for issues related to the regulations on tax, accounting, invoices accurately and quickly.

4. The Gtax’s chief accountant services are followed a procedure strict and science, always be supervised and controlled in all cases to ensure that the quality of chief accountant services is the best and conformity with the regulation of law.

5. Staff performing Gtax’s chief accountant services are always fully and timely updated with the provisions of law on accounting, tax and other relevant laws to advise customers accurately and timely in order to bring the best benefits to customers.

6. Using the Gtax’s chief accountant services, the accounting staff responsible for performance of the accounting works of your company is stable. You do not have to worry about the fluctuation of the accounting staff, accounting activities of your company  has been done by a professional accounting service company.

7. Cost for using the Gtax’s chief accountant services is always lower than the cost of hiring an accountant with the same qualification to perform accounting and tax works for you company.

8. The service charge for chief accountant services is valid expense when calculating corporate income tax. 

GTax determine the cost of chief accountant services based on the level of complexity and efficiency of the actual work completed, could you please provide us with more these informations:
-What is your company number code in Vietnam?
-What main business lines do you do?
-When did your company start?
-How many people work in your company?
-How many foreigner work in your company?
-How many products does your company sell (if trading company)?
-How much charter capital  are your company ?
-How many vouchers/invoices from buying/selling goods/services do you estimate per month?
-How much sales/revenue do you estimate for one year?
-How many transactions do you estimate per month?

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